Online personal training

Utilizing a qualified personal trainer an hour or two a week won't get most to their fitness goals. That's why AJPT offers online training where we set up individualized workouts and diet plans at affordable rates. This allows us to not only constantly change things up when you're working out on your own, but this app -- which hooks into FitBit and MyFitnessPal -- allows us to keep tabs on you and allows us to monitor your progress.  The Trainerize app also allows those who can't make into our facility in Sterling, Va., easy access to us. 

Custom workouts

You will get a training plan that will be updated as needed to constantly challenge and motivate you. We take into account both your pre-existing injuries and what equipment you have availible to you. 


Each individualized workout not only includes how many reps and sets you should do for each exercise, but the app includes videos (many created by AJPT) on how to properly perform each exercise.  


AJPT utilizes Evolution Nutrition to provide an individualized diet plan for an additional monthly fee. This goes beyond just normal calorie counting. You will get a detailed blueprint that will always be up to date on the app. 

Use the form below to contact US about pricing and schedule an assessment