AJP Training to take part in 2015 Superhero 5k on Sunday

There won't be a boot camp this Sunday, but we will still be sweating. 

AJP Training is fielding a team for the SuperHero 5k Run at Bolen Park in Leesburg. The race is at 8:30 a.m on Sunday (April 19). You are encouraged to dress up like a superhero and AJPT will provide capes with our logo on it to those who sign up. 

You can register at this link and make sure when you do that you select "AJP Training" as your team. (I know some of my clients hate running, so you have the option to walk.) While online registration closes on Friday, you can also sign up packet pickup on Saturday (11 am -2 pm) at Potomac River Running in Leesburg or before the race, if you get there an hour before the start. 

After the race, we will head over to Eggspectation in Leesburg for a team brunch. 

This is our first venture outside the confines of AJPT and I want to show the public the progress many of you have made --- and this is a fun way to do so.